Your Story: Shari Ventura

Your Story: Shari Ventura

We just found out last March that my daughter, 7 years old, was diagnosed with T1 Diabetes. All I could think about was you and your daughter. I was watching your show as you were going through it when your daughter got diagnosed. I still wake up thinking that it was just a dream. I cry often as I feel bad for what she has to deal with. She now is doing well and it’s me who has a hard time right now. I pray everyday that there is a cure so she doesn’t have to deal with this for the rest of her life. She’s a great kid whose taking it well as I try to tell her about other who have it. I tell her that she can still do whatever she wants and nothing will ever hold her back and yes I did mention you and your daughter. Thank you so much for being a role model for Diabetes… Let’s all pray there will be a cure soon to get rid of this terrible disease. Thank you. xo Shari

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